Embracing Responsive Web Design in 2023 and Beyond

OnGraph Technologies
11 min readSep 15, 2023


Web design

With the increasing competition, confining your online business presence to only one device will not end well for any business. With more people spending their time on smartphones, your website should run on phones too. As per Statista, the global web traffic coming from mobile devices has increased to 59.16 percent in 2022, creating a sense of developing mobile-optimized apps.

But creating a mobile version will help businesses to capture targeted audiences?

Well, not truly. This is where the responsive web design came into the picture- the ability to develop an innovative website that adapts well once accessed from any device and functions as expected without impacting the user experience.

In this blog, learn about responsive web design, its benefits, and quick and easy insights on how to create a responsive web design to meet the changed market demands of 2023 and beyond.

Let’s get started.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a design and development approach that creates a website or system that reacts to the size of a user’s screen. RWD will optimize a user’s browsing experience by creating a flexible and responsive web page, optimized for the device that is accessing it. Whether viewed on a desktop monitor, a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone, a responsive website offers the optimal viewing experience.


Responsive web design effortlessly adjusts content and elements to suit the screen size, guaranteeing that users can view all necessary information and visual components without missing or cropped elements. This eliminates the need to create separate websites tailored for mobile or other various screen dimensions prevalent today.

Google highly values sites optimized for mobile, a focus that aligns with businesses prioritizing seamless mobile experiences. These statistics on responsive web design shed light on the world’s pivot to a mobile-first approach.

  • During the last quarter of 2022, a staggering 59.16% of worldwide website traffic was generated via smartphones.
  • The lack of a responsive design drives visitors away from a site in about 73.1% of instances.
  • In the United States, mobile devices account for 60% of all website traffic. Currently, an impressive 1.71 billion websites have adopted a responsive design, representing 90% of all websites globally.
  • Research conducted by Google indicates that 72% of individuals favor navigation that’s mobile-friendly.

I guess, we have made our point, about why responsive web design is a must in 2023 and the coming years.

Responsive vs Adaptive Web Design: The Ideal Choice for Your Business

In the realm of web design, providing a seamless user experience across different devices is a top priority. This need has given rise to two design approaches: responsive web design and adaptive web design. While both methods aim to optimize websites for multiple screen sizes, their execution differs significantly.

Let’s delve into the core aspects of responsive and adaptive web design.

Responsive Web Design


Responsive web design is based on a fluid grid system that scales and rearranges design elements to fit different screen sizes. Images, layouts, and text all dynamically resize depending on the user’s screen. With responsive design, a single website layout is used, which fluidly responds to different viewport sizes.

Adaptive Web Design


Adaptive web design, on the other hand, uses static layouts that are designed for specific screen resolutions. The server identifies the type of device making the request and then delivers the appropriate layout. This means an adaptive design might have different layouts for desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Responsive vs Adaptive: Which to Choose?

The choice between responsive and adaptive design depends largely on your business needs, target audience, and resources.

  • Responsive design is often the go-to choice for its simplicity, fluidity, and ease of maintenance. It’s particularly effective when you want your website to provide a consistent experience across a broad range of devices.
  • Adaptive design, while potentially more complex and resource-intensive, can provide a more customized user experience. It’s especially beneficial when your user demographics favor specific devices or when you want to optimize specific features for different devices.

It’s essential to note that neither design approach is inherently superior. Both have their strengths and potential drawbacks. The ultimate decision lies in understanding your website’s requirements, your audience’s preferences, and the resources you have available for web development.

Core Components of Responsive Web Design

If you are wondering, how can anyone create responsive web design, then the magic lies within the three significant components- Media Queries, Fluid Grid, and Flexible Visuals.


Media Queries

Media queries serve as directives to modify the website layout under certain conditions. For instance, a dual-column format may not fit effectively within a smartphone’s screen size.

With a media query, you can direct the browser to reconfigure the layout if the screen size falls below a certain measurement. This distinct size at which the layout transitions is referred to as a “breakpoint.” Media queries are most efficient when utilized with a “mobile-first” strategy, where you outline the desired layout for mobile and then progressively enhance it for larger screens.

It’s necessary to examine your content to identify where breakpoints naturally arise and plan accordingly. Over time, you may be able to anticipate breakpoints based on the resolution of a device’s screen.

Fluid Grid

Traditionally in publishing, the creators dictate the display size and positioning using absolute measurements. This approach extended to the early days of the internet, with designers establishing website dimensions in pixels. However, this fixed-size approach proves incompatible with responsive design due to the variation in device sizes. Consequently, the responsive design employs relative sizing methods.

Flexible Images

Employing fluid grids to determine layout using relative metrics, like percentages, ensures no element retains a fixed size across all devices. Consequently, images within the layout will require resizing to fit each device’s screen size. Here, fluid images come into play.

Analogous to the behavior of water conforming to its container, fluid images adjust to the size of their surrounding element. Thus, a single image can be created and programmed to scale according to its container’s size. For non-photographic visuals like icons, SVG file formats are a smart choice. They are lightweight and can be scaled to any resolution without losing any quality.

Why Responsive Web Design is Important for Business?

Why Responsive Web Design is Important for Business


A single instance of responsive web design can cater to diverse screen sizes, eliminating the need for multiple designs. This approach not only yields initial cost savings, but also reduces expenses during updates, A/B testing, or when new screen sizes are introduced.

User Experience Optimization

In today’s digital age, users anticipate a seamless experience across various platforms. For instance, a shopper may begin their search on a mobile and then switch to a desktop or laptop. Responsive web design ensures a consistent, high-quality user journey across all touchpoints, devoid of any pinching, zooming, or excessive scrolling.

SEO Enhancement

Responsive web design can bolster SEO while eliminating the SEO risks associated with separate mobile sites.


a. Eliminates Risk of Duplicate Content Penalties

When a separate mobile version of a website exists, there’s a risk of encountering penalties due to duplicate content. Google’s bots may struggle to determine which site version to index or track for link metrics. By having a single version of the website, this risk is mitigated, allowing SEO efforts to be concentrated solely on one site.

b. Enhances Website Load Speed

Google’s ranking algorithm considers over 200 factors, including the responsiveness of a site and its load speed. Typically, responsive sites load faster than those specifically designed for mobile. The use of strategies such as ‘performance budgets,’ incorporating image compression and adaptive images, can be leveraged to further boost the performance of responsive web designs.

Widens Reach Mobile and Tablet Users

A responsive website translates into a more engaging user experience. It has been observed that 74% of visitors to a mobile-friendly site are likely to return, and 67% are more likely to make a purchase. Conversely, 61% of users not finding what they want on a mobile site are likely to switch to a competitor’s site.


Streamlined Maintenance and Development

Developing a single responsive website is quicker and more efficient than creating multiple versions. This holds true for both development and marketing teams tasked with ensuring each website version remains updated and effective. The choice of responsive design simplifies maintenance and updates over time, freeing up resources for value-adding activities such as product development, A/B testing, or content marketing. Moreover, responsive design future-proofs your website against emerging screen size technologies.

Improved Analytics

Tracking the customer journey across all touchpoints is simpler with a single responsive web, making it easier to set up analytics and derive meaningful insights compared to the complexities of tracking data across different web properties in adaptive design.

Boosts Conversion Rates

While 64% of online retail traffic is mobile-generated, mobile conversion rates are only half those of desktop. Factors such as difficult navigation and challenges in viewing product details or inputting information contribute to this discrepancy. In essence, many websites fall short in conversion due to a lack of responsiveness. On the other hand, studies indicate that responsive design can contribute to a 10.9% increase in conversion rates year-over-year.

Proven Tips on How to Make a Website Responsive

Creating a responsive website is a crucial aspect of web design, ensuring your site looks and performs well across various devices. Here are some tips to consider when creating a responsive website.

  • Adopt a Mobile-First Approach- Start by designing for the smallest screen and work your way up. This method will help ensure your site is optimized for mobile users, which make up a substantial proportion of internet traffic.
  • Use Fluid Grids- Fluid grids allow the elements of your site to adjust in relation to one another as the viewport changes. This maintains a clean and balanced layout on any device.
  • Implement Flexible Images- Make sure your images are as flexible as your layout. They should resize or scale within their containing element to ensure they don’t overflow the container or display at incorrect sizes on different screens.
  • Leverage Media Queries- Media queries allow you to apply different CSS styles to different devices based on characteristics like screen resolution and device orientation. You can use them to tweak design elements for various screen sizes.
  • Ensure Text is Readable- Regardless of the device size, your text should always be readable. Avoid having users pinch to zoom in to read text. As a general rule, your base font size should be at least 16px.
  • Optimize for Touch- With many users accessing websites from touch devices, make sure any buttons, links, or other interactive elements are large enough to be easily tapped on a smaller screen.
  • Test Thoroughly- Use testing tools and manually check your website on multiple devices and screen sizes to ensure everything works as expected. Popular browsers also offer tools for simulating different devices.
  • Minimize Load Times- Large images and other media can slow down your site. Optimize images, minify code, leverage browser caching, and reduce redirects to ensure your site loads quickly.
  • Consider Navigation- Make sure your site’s navigation is accessible and easy to use, regardless of screen size. A common technique is to use a collapsible or “hamburger” menu on smaller screens.
  • Avoid Large Fixed Width Elements- They can break the layout or cause horizontal scrolling on smaller screens.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can create a responsive website that offers a great user experience on any device.

Responsive Web Design Examples

Responsive web Designs were in the market for a long but is widely used for the last decade. Since then, you can witness more and more businesses adopting responsive web design to meet the changing market and customer demands.

Let’s take a look at some companies that are pridefully dominating the market with their extraordinary designs.



Designing a digital experience is crucial to Shopify’s e-commerce platform, which is built to be responsive. It offers a wide array of themes that allow users to develop their own responsive e-commerce sites. This is vital as mobile devices account for more than 80% of all traffic and 71% of orders on Shopify stores.

Shopify optimizes its design by thoughtfully choosing images that are cropped rather than zoomed, presenting content in a streamlined single column, and omitting some less essential elements. Navigation is also adapted, with mobile and tablet sites showcasing a hamburger menu.



Known for its simplicity and usability, Dropbox’s responsive site maintains consistency across all devices. It uses a minimalistic design with clear call-to-action buttons, which work effectively on both desktop and mobile.


The Starbucks website is a good example of a responsive site that retains all functionality across devices. Their website allows you to find a store, browse the menu, and even order online from any device.

Boston Globe

One of the earliest and best examples of responsive web design is the Boston Globe’s website. It was one of the first major websites to implement a responsive design, which adjusts seamlessly between different devices.

Google Maps

Google Maps is a great example of a service with a responsive design. Whether you’re using it on a desktop or mobile, you can still explore, get directions, and see real-time traffic updates.

Build Responsive Web Design Apps with OnGraph

Your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business. Responsive web design ensures that every visitor has the best possible experience, regardless of their device. Moreover, Google’s algorithms prioritize mobile-friendly sites in search rankings, so responsive design is not just a matter of aesthetics — it directly impacts your visibility online.

As of 2022, the shift toward mobile browsing is not a prediction for the future — it’s happening right now. Failing to adapt means losing out on potential customer engagement, conversions, and ultimately revenue. If you want to provide the best possible user experience, then you must consider a web app design development company.

OnGraph is a Web design and development company offering Web design and Development Services to develop an app with next-gen responsive web designs.

Let’s see how we have helped our client with an ultimate highly web-responsive app.

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OnGraph Technologies

OnGraph Technologies is an early adopter of innovative technologies of web/mobile app, blockchain, Chatbot, Voicebot, RPA, DevOps https://www.ongraph.com