Node.js — Why and When In Project Development?
Node.js is still on track to control over the open source network. Enormous players from different enterprise level are either executing node.js outsourcing or thinking about it for their next project. LinkedIn, Mozilla, Netflix, the list goes on. They all have bet on Node because of its adaptability, execution, and twice-yearly releases (counting one yearly long-term service release). However, there are a lot more reasons why endeavours are made to include Node.js.
There are many advantages of using Node.js; however, here we are showing insights into the framework that make it an enterprise choice.
Its developing prominence does not mean that everybody should go with node js app development companies at this moment. It shouldn’t make any difference how well-known technology is or whether one name appears to be more commonplace than another — what should matter is making an educated decision about your stack.
Furthermore, in this post, we’ll be illustrating how we make these sorts of choices here at OnGraph.
We established a strong foothold in Ruby on Rails and excel in project development. GradReady is one of our largest project and significant addition to our portfolio that you can check on our website. But what did bring us closer to Node.js? Application development programming languages and frameworks are evolving day by day, and javascript-favourable ecosystem which supports front-end and backend development simultaneously bring considerable benefits to the project as well as developers. Therefore, a significant part of our web development revolves around javascript frameworks, including React and MEAN [MongoDB, Expres.js, Node.js, and Angular.js] solutions for the backend.
However, the entire Web is, by all means, turning to JavaScript which, as indicated by GitHub’s Octoverse 2017, is presently the most famous technology in the application development world.
Node.js From a Developer’s Perspective
Node.js has been there for some time, however, started increasing genuine footing just in 2011 when LinkedIn propelled its application for smartphone. At present, Node.js is the most known child on the block — 98% of Fortune 500 organizations use Node.js regularly. It likewise wins as a most popular framework (73.4% of developers love Node), and it’s the second most-demanded coding skills by employees in the present time.
As a web application development company, it’s imperative to stay up to date with tech news and trends. Our services seem to be interesting for node js developer for hire, so we do not just keep ourselves updated about all the fuss, but also added it in our stack offerings after getting approval from our developers.
After some research and feedback from the team, we found that a Node is a viable option for our backend:
- We already had familiarity with javascript ecosystem — developers already knew the language so shifting to a similar open source framework, alongside official implementation and documentation in Javascript seemed feasible.
- From front-end to backend, using a common language improved internal communication and understanding of the project as a whole
- Node.js ensures a non-blocking IO process that gives you a chance to process numerous requests simultaneously
- Node.js has an incredible number of unpolarized libraries empowering impressive development opportunity
- Our team was indeed started up by Typescript which gives the tooling that Ruby lacks — although Typescript is opinioned particularly toward the starting, it helps significantly later down the line, making testing much smoother
- Typescript additionally distinguishes errors quicker than in different frameworks and sorts out the code so that designers can plunge into the project effectively and rapidly
- further maintenance of the project will require just a little dev group
- It’s been confirmed by the market — there are increasingly more applications out there based on Node. We have been accepting a bundle of inquiries for projects in this technology, as well
Henceforth, coming from genuine business needs, the choice to consolidate Node.js into our backend stack was not a distinct advantage, but rather a natural next step in our application development process.
So, Is Node.js the Solution You Need in Your Product?
Even though Node.js has numerous important ethics and functions admirably for these customers — it may not be the best choice for every project. The javascript based framework is the best pick for any real-time application intended to run on various devices. If your product requires fast prototyping or performs CPU-intensive tasks (such as producing graphics), there are different technologies to choose such as Rails, that will better accomplish the requirements. By picking Node for overwhelming computation tasks, you will lose a large portion of the benefits the framework has to offer. Utilize it in scalable, quick system applications with many clients, however, and Node will shine.
Where does Node.js miss the mark? As far as out-of-the-box solutions. In spite of RoR, numerous things should be done from scratch, which this way increases the task’s overall development time. Then again, in any case, you are thinking of an application with a long life expectancy, the time and costs invested into the starting offer extensive returns over the long haul — you gain various tools that will streamline the addition of features in the future. Doing this with out-of-the-box solutions may be increasingly troublesome. Along these lines, Node.js is ideal for custom-tailored applications.
All in all, it’s not bad news.
Rails are generally suggested for little ventures, MVPs, and product approval, however, it doesn’t mean you need to pursue that design. You may pick what Twitter did: launch on Rails and move to another stage such as look for node js developer for hire once you begin profiting and need to scale. You can likewise stick to Rails like Airbnb did and do fine.
By the day’s end, it isn’t about the tool, however about who utilizes it.