Optimizing Your Development Workflow with DevOps Best Practices

OnGraph Technologies
12 min readJun 5, 2023


Devops Development

Imagine running a business similar to choreographing a well-choreographed dance. For your company to create a smooth performance, your software development and operations teams must move in rhythm, much like dancers on a stage. However, when the teams are out of sync, the performance suffers. This is where DevOp’s best practices come into play.

Best practices for DevOps aren’t just about fashionable techniques or flashy tools; they’re about making your organization function more efficiently, increasing productivity, and improving customer happiness. These principles can catapult your company to exceptional success by aligning your staff, encouraging collaboration, and optimizing operations.

We’ll examine these principles in this tutorial, teaching you how to put them into action for a smoother, faster, and more efficient software development workflow. This guide is your passport to a masterful performance, whether you’re an established company or a newcomer. Are you ready to dance?

Understanding DevOps

DevOps is more than just a combination of the words ‘development’ and ‘operations’; it is a disruptive business philosophy. DevOps is really about breaking down the silos that frequently exist between software development teams and IT operations teams. It is about building a shared feeling of ownership and responsibility, as well as matching goals across teams, to encourage collaboration and improve communication.

The DevOps mindset is based on the concept of continuous improvement, in which development and operations collaborate smoothly from the beginning to the finish of a project. This ongoing interaction helps to discover and handle issues more quickly, reducing delays and improving final product quality.

DevOps can provide numerous advantages to enterprises. By bridging the development-operations divide:

  1. It accelerates software development, allowing for faster time-to-market, which can be a key competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced digital economy.
  2. It improves software product quality by minimizing errors and enhancing the overall client experience.
  3. It increases productivity by automating routine processes and reducing effort duplication.
  4. It promotes a collaborative and transparent culture, which can enhance team morale and productivity.

Businesses can benefit from higher productivity, enhanced quality, and improved business agility by understanding and applying DevOps, allowing them to stay one step ahead in today’s digital dance.

Best DevOps Practices That You Should Integrate Into Your Workplace

Best DevOps Practices features in to your Workplace

Below, we will discuss the latest and best practices in DevOps that you should implement to optimize your development workflow.

1. Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is the foundation of DevOps and one of its most important best practices. At its most basic, continuous integration entails developers constantly integrating their code changes into a central repository, typically many times per day. This is followed by automated building and testing to find and resolve any integration issues as soon as possible.

In old development procedures, code merging was a time-consuming and laborious activity that was frequently delayed until the end of a development cycle. This delay caused ‘integration hell,’ a situation in which developers battled to reconcile numerous contradictory changes, resulting in errors, delays, and frustrations.

This challenge is considerably minimized with Continuous Integration. When you integrate code regularly, you’re working with smaller, more manageable changes, which allows you to notice and fix problems more quickly. As a result, production has skyrocketed and time-to-market has been slashed.

Consider a multinational software corporation that operates across different time zones. In the absence of CI, code created by an Australian developer may disagree with code written by their counterpart in the United States, yet this discrepancy may not be discovered for weeks or even months. Consider the complications of resolving these disagreements, which must be traced back through numerous lines of code.

The organization uses CI to ensure that updates from both developers are integrated and tested numerous times each day. Any conflicts are discovered very immediately and can be resolved while the changes are still fresh in the minds of the developers, enhancing efficiency, minimizing frustration, and speeding up development.

As a result, Continuous Integration serves as the foundation for a streamlined, effective, and collaborative DevOps approach that saves time and costs while maintaining high-quality software creation.

2. Continuous Delivery

If Continuous Integration (CI) is the foundation of DevOps, Continuous Delivery (CD) is the structure that emerges from it. The CD is a natural extension of CI that takes automation to the next level. CD strives to automate the complete software release process, whereas CI focuses on code integration and testing.

The process of releasing software under conventional software development methods was typically slow and prone to human error. Manual methods may result in misconfigurations, missed steps, or other oversights that may cause a release to be delayed or even halted. Continuous Delivery alters everything.

Every modification that goes through all phases of your production process is issued to your consumers via CD. There is no human intervention, and you can submit production-ready builds at any moment. The fundamental goal is to automate and repeat a continuous flow of modifications into production. This strategy improves both the speed and efficiency of software releases.

Consider the following example. Consider a well-known e-commerce platform. To maintain a seamless user experience in a period of rapid digital transitions, this platform must frequently upgrade its features and correct faults. In the past, these upgrades would have been distributed in big batches, resulting in lengthy periods of outage and considerable customer displeasure.

This e-commerce platform, on the other hand, can distribute updates in smaller, more manageable chunks by implementing Continuous Delivery. Any new feature or bug repair that passes the automated tests may be automatically deployed to the live platform, decreasing downtime significantly. This technique enables the platform to respond swiftly to market changes, retain clients, and stay ahead of the competition.

Continuous Delivery decreases the risk of human mistakes while simultaneously accelerating the rate at which enhancements are delivered to your clients by ensuring that the code is constantly in a deployable condition.

3. Microservices

Microservices are another important pillar in the area of DevOps best practices. Microservices, also known as microservices architecture, is an architectural approach that arranges an application as a collection of small autonomous services, each executing in its own process and communicating with others through lightweight means, typically an HTTP-based API.

Each service in a microservices architecture is self-contained and executes a single business feature. This approach lets any service in the application be built, deployed, scaled, and even decommissioned independently of the others. It also means that distinct services can be created in different programming languages, store data in different ways, and be controlled by different teams.

Consider a huge online marketplace including user interface components, a recommendation engine, order processing, and inventory management. All of these pieces would be interwoven in a monolithic architecture, making updates or adjustments slow and risky. If only one component needs to be upgraded, the entire application may need to be taken offline or thoroughly tested to ensure that no other parts of the system are harmed.

In a microservices design, however, each of these parts can be handled as an independent service. New algorithms could be added to the recommendation engine without affecting the user interface or inventory management. New features can be added fast, and current ones can be upgraded without the risk of unintentionally interrupting other services.

Microservices not only speed up software development and deployment by breaking an application down into smaller, manageable chunks, but they also fit perfectly into the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery model, where frequent changes and rapid deployments are the standards.

This methodology significantly improves a company’s ability to develop and respond to changing market demands.

Microservices are a big shift in how we think about software design, and they have become a popular choice for enterprises seeking agility and scalability in today’s fast-paced digital environment.

4. Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a critical DevOps strategy that involves controlling and supplying computing resources via machine-readable script files rather than manual methods. Writing code to automate the deployment and management of your IT infrastructure, which can comprise anything from servers to networking devices to storage systems, is what it boils down to.

Infrastructure management was mostly manual in traditional IT settings. Administrators have to install and configure gear physically or utilize interactive setup tools. These techniques were time-consuming, and error-prone, and might result in inconsistencies between environments, giving rise to the famed “it works on my machine” dilemma.

IaC changes everything. The infrastructure configuration is described as code files in IaC, which may be versioned and reviewed just like any other piece of software.

These code files act as a blueprint for your infrastructure, allowing you to set up your infrastructure reliably across numerous environments (development, staging, production, etc.) and locations.

Consider the following real-world example. Assume a software business needs to quickly replicate its production environment for testing. Using traditional approaches, this would need manually set each component of the environment, which is both time-consuming and prone to human mistakes.

However, thanks to Infrastructure as Code, the organization can instantly deploy an exact clone of their production system with a few easy commands, saving time and avoiding potential setup problems.

Furthermore, IaC advocates the principles of immutability and disposability, which means that instead of making changes to the current infrastructure, a new one is installed.

This method decreases the likelihood of configuration drift, which occurs when modest, undocumented changes compound over time, resulting in discrepancies between environments and unanticipated failures.

In summary, Infrastructure as Code offers a variety of advantages, including increased speed, repeatability, consistency, and the ability to respond fast to infrastructure needs.

It enables developers to take control of their environments and assures a high level of predictability during deployments, minimizing the possibility of human errors and inconsistencies dramatically.

5. Monitoring and Logging

Monitoring and logging are two DevOps techniques that go hand in hand to ensure the seamless operation of apps and systems. These procedures serve as teams’ eyes and ears, allowing them to discover, understand, and address issues that may impair system performance or user experience.

Monitoring is systematically checking various system parameters to ensure optimal operation. This can include everything from hardware health checks (such as disk utilization and CPU load) to software performance (such as response times and error rates). Monitoring gives real-time visibility into the health and performance of the system, allowing teams to identify and address possible issues before they affect users.

Logging, on the other hand, is the process of recording events or statistics from a system or application. Logs offer an in-depth insight into the system’s behavior by providing a historical description of what has happened over time.

When an issue emerges, logs can assist in diagnosing the issue by pinpointing what occurred and when.

Consider a well-known streaming service. Millions of people use their service at the same time, and any downtime or poor performance can have a serious impact on their reputation and financial line.

The service can keep a continual check on important performance factors such as streaming quality, server load, and network latency by implementing comprehensive monitoring. If an anomaly is discovered, alerts can be sent out to launch an urgent investigation or automatic corrective measures.

Meanwhile, logs collected from various portions of the system can provide useful information about the nature of the problem.

For example, if customers are experiencing poor load times, logs may suggest that a recent code deployment inadvertently caused a performance fault, or that a certain server is struggling under pressure and need upgrading or balancing.

Teams who use Monitoring and Logging successfully may notice and respond to issues quickly, minimizing downtime and continuously improving system performance. This proactive strategy results in a more resilient and reliable system, ensuring a high-quality user experience and protecting the company’s reputation.

6. Communication and Collaboration

While many components of DevOps center on technical techniques and tools, the human element, as embodied in Communication and Collaboration, is equally important. A thriving DevOps culture is built on these practices, which encourage team transparency, knowledge sharing, and efficient workflows.

Traditionally, teams operated in silos, with development and operations each having its own set of goals, tools, and schedules. This lack of communication may result in bottlenecks, misunderstandings, and inefficiencies, making it more difficult to deliver excellent software on time.

DevOps, on the other hand, fundamentally contradicts this segmented strategy. It promotes a mentality shift in which everyone participating in a project — whether developers, testers, operational personnel, security engineers, or even business stakeholders — collaborates effectively from the start to the finish.

Consider a software development firm working on a new product feature. Developers and operations employees would communicate on a regular basis in a DevOps culture, ensuring that the feature is not only well-designed and strong but also deployable and maintainable in a real-world context.

Regular feedback meetings would enable any difficulties to be addressed quickly, limiting the possibility of last-minute surprises and driving continual growth.

Another important aspect of this method is transparency. Teams can acquire a better grasp of the project’s progress and issues by leveraging shared tools and making information more available, allowing for more informed decision-making.

Using a common project management application, for example, can enable everyone engaged to understand what tasks are being worked on, what’s coming up next, and where any bottlenecks may exist. Regular stand-ups or check-ins can keep everyone up to date on progress and obstacles, promoting a sense of shared accountability and alignment.

Effective Communication and Collaboration methods, in essence, help to break down traditional team barriers, promoting a culture of shared accountability, mutual respect, and constant learning. These approaches result in more efficient processes, improved problem-solving, and, ultimately, better software delivered more quickly and reliably.

7. Automated Testing

Automated testing is critical in any DevOps scenario. It involves, as the name implies, automating the process of running tests to validate the quality of software. Unit tests that verify specific components of an application, integration tests that check how these components interact, and end-to-end tests that validate the complete user journey are all examples of automated tests.

Testing was often a manual, time-consuming operation at the end of the development cycle in a traditional software development approach. This strategy resulted in a delayed time-to-market and the danger of deploying software with undiscovered problems, which would negatively impact the end-user experience.

However, in a DevOps context, testing shifts to the left, which means it occurs early and frequently throughout the development cycle. Furthermore, it is automated, which ensures that tests may be run fast, consistently, and at any time.

Consider a software company that is creating a new feature for their mobile application. Developers can use Automated Testing to build tests for their code as soon as they finish developing it, and these tests can be executed automatically whenever changes are made.

This instant feedback enables developers to swiftly detect and correct flaws, resulting in higher-quality code and less time spent on bug patches later on.

Automated testing also aids with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery by verifying that any changes to the codebase do not disrupt existing functionality. This strategy ensures that the program is always releasable, shortening the time to market.

Companies that use Automated Testing can reap a range of benefits, including increased testing efficiency, improved software stability, and faster delivery timelines.

These advantages contribute to increased consumer satisfaction and corporate performance. Automated testing is not only a best practice in a DevOps culture; it is an essential part of the process.

8. Security Integration

Incorporating security into the DevOps pipeline, often known as DevSecOps, is the final but most important piece of the DevOps puzzle. This strategy emphasizes the importance of incorporating security practices within the DevOps workflow as opposed to treating them as a separate worry or afterthought.

Security evaluations and vulnerability assessments were frequently performed at the conclusion of the development lifecycle in previous development models.

This delay may result in security concerns being discovered late in the game, necessitating costly and time-consuming repairs. DevSecOps, on the other hand, try to move security left, exactly like testing, incorporating it early and frequently throughout the development cycle.

Because of this early integration, security is taken into account at every stage of the development process.

This practice has two advantages. For starters, it enables teams to spot possible security vulnerabilities early on, when they are often easier and less expensive to resolve. Second, it ensures that security is built into the product from the beginning rather than added later.

Consider a financial firm constructing a new online banking platform. Integrating security measures such as encryption methods or multi-factor authentication from the start would be a top priority.

When developers use DevSecOps, security checks, and tests are automatically executed to guarantee that new features do not bring new vulnerabilities. This constant security examination lowers the danger of a security breach, which might result in huge financial and reputational harm.

Integrating security into the DevOps pipeline, in essence, supports a proactive approach to security. It encourages the entire team to assume security responsibility, resulting in more secure applications. DevSecOps makes security everyone’s responsibility, resulting in a more secure and trustworthy product.

Collaborate with OnGraph For Integrating DevOps Best Practices

Integrating DevOps best practices into your business processes can be a difficult task. This is where OnGraph can help. With over 15 years of expertise in the area, OnGraph has established itself as a top web and app development firm that is well-versed in the newest DevOps principles.

We have an in-house DevOps team that understands how to optimize and automate operations, boost collaboration, and assure high product quality. By collaborating with OnGraph, you are selecting a team with the ability and experience to assist you in harnessing the potential of DevOps, improving your workflow, and ultimately improving your business performance.

Read also- DevOps in the Spotlight: Industry News and Emerging Trends



OnGraph Technologies

OnGraph Technologies is an early adopter of innovative technologies of web/mobile app, blockchain, Chatbot, Voicebot, RPA, DevOps https://www.ongraph.com