The Significance of EmberJs- A Comprehensive Guide
Time is valuable. This is the reason it is crucial to have tools that are not only fun to use, but also enable you to spend your valuable time by developing features and helping out your customers in incredible ways. Here comes the significance of EmberJS development companies. Whether you are working on a large project or a small one, on an individual basis or in a team, EmberJS helps you make better things faster.
With the advancement of the development of JavaScript as a language, new frameworks are emerging almost on a daily basis. This helps app developers to choose what suits their project the most from a pool of incredible options. Amongst the latest JS frameworks to be built is EmberJS that has empowered the development of vibrant web applications. So, let’s find out what EmberJS actually is and how it helps the development community reach its height.
An Overview to Understand The Origin of EmberJS
The journey of EmberJS began as the second version of the SproutCore framework. However, during the work on SproutCore version 2.0, the team members of SproutCore realized the fact that in order to meet their aim of developing an easy-to-use framework that applied to a broad spectrum of target web applications but was still small, the underlying structure of the framework required a radical change.
Finally, part of the core team decided to bring these changes in a brand new framework individual from the origins of SproutCore.
EmberJS carries much of its underlying design and structure from SproutCore. However, the intention of SproutCore is to be an end-to-end solution for creating desktop-applications by hiding from its users most of the implementation details. On the other hand, EmberJS makes it clear to the users that CSS and HTML are at the core of its development stack.
The strength of EmberJS lies in its ability to let you structure your JS source code in a reliable and consistent pattern while also keeping the CSS and HTML easily visible. Moreover, when it comes to how to structure development, not having to rely on particular development tools to build and assemble your app offers you with more options and control.
Now you must be eager to get started with EmberJS, but before you jump to build your first EmberJS application, let’s explore the depths of EmberJS and what makes it so special.
What is EmberJS?
EmberJS is an open source, productive, free JavaScript client-side framework used to build modern web applications. The framework includes everything you require to develop rich UIs that work on any device. Some of the top development teams worldwide have been iterating on their products with Ember for many years. When you hire EmberJS developers for your project, you’ll get to work with the same patterns that these companies use in every step of the way with scalable UI architecture on the run from the very beginning.
EmberJS enables developing client side JavaScript applications by offering a complete solution which includes data management as well as an application flow.
EmberJS helps to:
- Write less code with templates that update automatically.
- Retrieve models from your server with rich relationships.
- Conventional app structure allows your app to grow without messy code.
Why to Use EmberJS?
- It’s an open source JavaScript framework under MIT license.
- It offers the Glimmer rendering engine to enhance the rendering speed.
- It offers the new binding syntax with the use of the HTMLBars template engine (superset of the Handlebars templating engine.
- It supports data binding to build the link between two properties. Moreover, when there’s a change in one property, the other one gets upgraded with the new value.
- It offers the Command Line Interface utility that focuses easily on the productivity of the developer by integrating Ember patterns into the development process.
Some of The Many Features of EmberJS
Below are some of the most significant features of EmberJS:
- EmberJS is used to create maintainable and reusable JavaScript web applications.
- It offers the instance initializers.
- EmberJS has CSS and HTML at the core of the development model.
- It offers an Ember Inspector tool to debug Ember applications.
- The routes are core features of the EmberJS used to manage the URL’s.
- EmberJS makes use of templates that help to update the model automatically, in case the content of applications gets changed.
Three Features of EmberJS That Make It a Joy to Use
- Bindings
Bindings enables you to architect your application by making use of the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller). Here the data flows correctly from layer to layer.
- Computed Properties
These enable you to treat a function like a property. Computed properties are useful as they can work with bindings efficiently just like any other property.
- Auto-Updating Templates
EmberJS makes use of Handlebars which is a semantic templating library. Here the templates are bindings-aware which is the best part.
Some Popular Apps That Use EmberJS
- Ghost
This one is the latest web platform when it comes to the blogging world. Starting off as a concept, Ghost was built basically to be a prototype for a JS-based web application. After the success of its first production, the developers decided to go complete throttle in order to develop the public version and made it open source. The front-end features are simple yet interactive like a split screen for editing and an analytics dashboard, both extensively enabled by Ember, whereas the back end is NodeJS.
- Discourse
Today, Discourse is one of the widely used web applications when it comes to online forum discussion. The forum is an open-source software that over the years has expanded to incorporate many features that the modern web applications today have. This makes it an ambitious web application. The features of Discourse such as drag and drop capabilities, live updates, expandable links, one-boxing, and infinite scrolling make it an interactive environment for users to use and enjoy.
- Wordset
This one is an important app built with the purpose of making the dictionary a simple yet interactive environment for users. Wordset has been built mainly using Grape and Ruby on Rails and has a unique build and apprehensive features which provides it a fun and simple to understand outlook.
Wrapping up
Hopefully you can clearly see here how all these powerful tools work together to make an incredible solution. There are a number of good EmberJS development companies in the USA that you can get in touch with in case you wish to use EmberJS for your next project. Should you need any further clarity or a discussion with an EmberJs expert, do let us know in the comments or schedule a one to one meeting with one of our EmberJs expert.